ARCB Certificants can earn Continuing Education (CE) several ways - see the ARCB CE Manual for more details.
One way to earn CE credits is to take a course from an ARCB Approved CE Provider. Use the links below to review the CE courses offered by each ARCB- Approved CE Provider.
Please NOTE- Not all courses offered by the following CE Providers are
ARCB Approved CE Courses.
Offering Courses in Foundation and Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Certification, as well as Advanced Hand Reflexology and Facial Reflexology
with Cynthia Hill (cyndihill@att.net)
Phone: 917-670-7744
Offering Self-Paced courses and a variety of workshops
with Kasey Buhl
Offering online, hybrid, and in-person courses
Offering training in Foot Reading

with Mariann Freed (admin@csr.international)
Offering courses in Cranio-Sacral Reflexology
Elemental Energy Healing with Grace Beck Offering Traditional Thai Foot Reflexology
with Kelly Urso
Offering certification in foot and hand reflexology
with Dr. Sandi Rogers (sandi@sandirogers.com.au)
Business success for natural medicine practitioners. Online – self directed
with Roz Zollinger
Offering a wide variety of courses for Reflexologists and Massage Therapists in GA

with Lupe Verhaeghe LupeVerhaeghe@reflexology-usa.net
Bobbie Warren BobbieWarren@reflexology-usa.net
Laurie Azzarella LaurieAzzarella@reflexology-usa.net
Bertha Miller BerthaMiller@reflexology-usa.net

Offering in-person classes

with Beloved Heartsong
La-Ho Chi is a spiritual energetic laying-on-of-hands and remote energy healing. Offering Certification in LaHo-Chi Level 1: Foundation and Activation
Offering a variety of in-person and online reflexology courses and certifications including Hand, Face, and Ear Reflexology

with Liberty Dusza
Offering in-person reflexology CE courses in PA

Offering a variety of workshops throughout the year
with Sarah Gallagher (sarahpreusker@yahoo.com)
with Cindy Silverlock (cindysilverlock@gmail.com)
Metamorphosis Home Study Program CE: 6 to 12
Online - Metamorphosis Continued Support/Advanced Learning
Offering courses/workshops throughout the year
Ray of Hope Academy
with Lila Mueller (rayofhopereflex@gmail.com)

with Laurie Azzarella (contact@reflex-oil-ogy.com)
Offering Live and PreRecorded Classes
Linda Frank
Phone: 253 576-954
See website for ARCB-approved CE classes

See website for current CE courses/workshops

with Stefanie Sabounchian
Phone: 909-896-3610
with Robin Varga
Phone: 510-928-7001
Offering courses in Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology
Building Your Business for Reflexology
Marketing Your Business for Reflexology
Phone: 207-441-5670
Claudia Wojcik (info@southcountyreflexology.com)
Phone: 401-336-6693
Sue Ricks Academy
Offering online training courses in Gentle Touch and Reflexology for Babies and Children
with Geraldine Villeneuve, BS, LMP, NBCR
Superior Potential
with Kiannaa Leighland
Offering Raindrop Technique for Feet and Spine and Tibetan Reflexology
with Peter Lund Frandsen
Email: info@touchpoint.dk
with Lynn Booth
Offering Vertical Reflexology Basic and Advanced Online Course
Supporting Reflexologists in Washington State