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Adult Education Course

Once you’ve achieved ARCB® national certification, you are required to earn 12 hours of continuing education (CE) every 2 years. 


The 12 CE hours may be a single or combination of activities/courses and/or service to the profession of reflexology. CE courses may include classes taught in other countries, online, hybrid, or in-person.


There are three (3) options to gain ARCB CE credits (details below): 

1)  complete an ARCB Approved CE Course,

 2)  complete an ARCB Supported CE Course, and

3) through Service to the Reflexology profession.

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Ways to Earn Continuing Education Credits


ARCB Approved 


ARCB® Approved CE activities and courses support more advanced and in-depth training in Reflexology. You can find a listing of ARCB Approved CE Providers under the RESOURCES button - or click HERE.

You can also find ARCB Approved course  posted on the ARCB Facebook page.


ARCB Supported


ARCB accepts CE courses approved by other national certifying organizations such as the National Council for Reflexology Educators (NCRE), Continuing  Medical Education (ACCME), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCAA), and other practices in medicine and Complementary & Alternative Health. 


Service to Reflexology 

ARCB recognizes the contribution that our members make to the continuation and growth of our Profession.  For example: Board of Directors or Committee Member of Reflexology organizations; author of science-based research or practice-related materials; ARCB CE Providers, ARCB Fellowship and other Reflexology Educators.  Service with international, national, regional, and state reflexology organizations earns you 12 CEs for each year of service.  

 Once you have completed all 12 CEs 


you must submit digital  proof of the CEs to

over 70 years of age

Certificants who are at least 70 years of age are exempt from further CE requirements if they  have completed at least 24 hours of CE since their Certification .  


It is the responsibility of the Certificant to notify ARCB along with a copy of a government-issued identification that they have met this exemption requirement. 

Failed to meet your
CE requirements?

Certificants who do not achieve the required CE hours should notify the ARCB® office about how to correct this problem.  If you fail to correct the issue, you will be placed in lapsed status.


Lapse status requires that you return your ARCB® certification documentation and pin as well as remove all ARCB® logos and information from your website and marketing materials.

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       CE Providers Requirements      


Original Application


Applications accepted annually March 1st to April 30th.


The original application fee is $200 - limit 3 courses per application.


Email required documents per 

CE Provider Checklist to


Each Provider must pass a background check***


Approved Courses will be assigned:

  • ARCB CE Provider number

  • ARCB CE Course number

  • Fees due every 2 years*




Course fees are due every 2 years* 

All Providers move to same cycle by 2025.


Renewal fees are $25 per course - capped at $300


ARCB will invoice the Provider prior to renewal date.


Courses must pass a review every 4 years for ongoing approval.


Each Course is reviewed for**:

  • Timely Fee payment

  • CE Provider meets ARCB Code of Ethics and Professional Business Standards

  • Course is relevant to the Profession of Reflexology and ARCB exam domains

  • Random audit of course

  • Student Reviews

  • Course independence of other businesses owned by Provider


Adding a New 


Applications accepted annually March 1st to April 30th.


Adding a course is $75 per course - limit 3 courses per application.


Email required documents per 

CE Provider Checklist to


Each Provider must pass a background check***


Approved new Courses are assigned:

  • ARCB CE Course number, aligned with your CE Provider number

  • Fees due every 2 years*

* If accepted outside of the 2 year cycle, your renewal fee will be prorated.

** Failure to meet any aspect of the renewal checklist is grounds for suspension as an ARCB Approved CE Course and/or CE Provider.

***Unless already passed ARCB background check in examination process

CE Provider Application Details

All Continuing Education (CE) Provider original applications, course renewals, and applications to add a new course shall be emailed to


An Application to Provide ARCB® CE Hours, must provide the following information: What are you applying for, your  name, your email, phone number, your CE provider number and course titles.


Applicant will provide a PDF for each course that  details course curriculum, number of course hours, CE credits requested, student review form, and course completion certificate


After submission of application, fee shall be paid online. *see links below.


Allow 6 weeks from the date of submission of your application form, fee and all supporting documentation for review and response as to whether approval has been granted.

CE Hours Determination

The CE hours requested in a CE Provider Application may only include actual hours of instruction, introductory time, and short breaks.  Lunch breaks may not be included in the calculation of CE hours. 


Approved CE Provider Applications are valid for a period of 2 years from date of initial approval. Providers may request renewal for the same CE offerings upon expiration of the initial 2 year period by providing updated information regarding changes in the offerings or by applying to renew without changes. Courses must pass a review every 4 years for ongoing approval.

The American Reflexology Certification Board

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Contributions or gifts to the American Reflexology Certification Board are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.




Po Box 576

Braddock Heights, MD 21714

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